How Wisdom Helps with Aging

Have you ever said “I need to go back to the basics” OR “I need to focus on what means the most for me”?  How I can be a more effective counselling therapist is to [...]

Aging as the Life Experience

Ultimate procrastination – that describes my avoidance of writing this article.  I recently had a similar experience when preparing to facilitate a workshop on the topic:  “Finding Calm in Your Busy Workplace”. My slow response [...]

The Transformational Message – Now and Ever…

In my presentations and writing, I define transition as the emotional and attitudinal response to what is inevitable -- change. We know the progression from endings to beginnings and the neutral zone in between. Could [...]

Light and Love

About 5 years ago, I noticed that my shoulders were slouched and rounded and I stooped as I walked. Perhaps this was more evident as my body seemed to shrink in height – one of [...]

From Worry to Worthy

I have enjoyed the summer (hope you have too) in contact with family, friends and colleagues. My heart is open with curiosity and my soul well nourished. All is good with new awakenings! I continue [...]

Preach what I Practice

My recent speaking presentations have focused on the topics of “The Power of Aging”, “The Wisdom of Aging”, “The Transition Through Age”. I encourage reflection on the relationship with one’s AGE -- the number of [...]

Attitudinal Aging

“It’s all in the attitude”! Okay  -- maybe not ALL… However, much about life and living IS about attitude. I understand ATTITUDE to mean how we think or feel about someone or something. Attitude also [...]

My New Inner Journey

I, like many mentors and spiritual guides, use the term “inner journey” as I encourage people to consider this experience as helpful to heal, learn and grow. And yet – is this a new experience [...]

Reflections of Spirit Energy

How often I have complained that my life is empty of a memorable event or message that tells me that I am indeed a spiritual person. Such an epic experience will confirm my connection to [...]

AGE: A number AND much more…

As I facilitate conversations in The WISE Circle, I am more intrigued as to how I speak and write about age as a guide on this ever-changing journey called Life. Transition is the response to [...]