Poetic Invitations

Healing Hearts

Spirit energy
Present in the quietness
Of world connecting
The essence of all beings
To create the strength
And softness of hearts healing

Energy of Spirit

Know that I am Energy of Spirit
Existing in the expansive universe
Long before your body welcomed me within
To give and to receive
To suffer and to heal
To breathe my sacredness in your every cell
As a source of love
And gratitude for the helpful learning

Know You Are Loved

How are you to know
You are clearly seen, heard, felt
As this intention?
Connect and belong
With an energy beaming
Between you and all
Vibrating as Breath
Gently holding love and care
Your presence honored
An expression shared
Of your essence showing light
From your true Being

Your Light In The Dark

You are the light energy of spirit
Do you recognize that truth now?
You focus on those who pained you in the past
Within the darkness of their stories.
They knew little about the healing power of light
And only about the deep pain of burning light
That shrunk their souls.
They knew only to shrink your own with their words and actions
Your soul is alive and wants to thrive
Even in the darkness
Especially in the darkness,
In the darkness patiently and lovingly waiting for your light.

In This Moment

Yes – the world is a difficult place in which you live
Challenges exist near and far
Signs in your physical, mental, emotional body
Are the signals of how you are facing these realities
In this moment.
You bear the pain, the suffering, the wondering
With sadness, grief, anger – even numbness
In this moment
Yes – how difficult to consider new ways to see and hear
When the familiar includes at least some comfort
In this moment
From the courage that has helped you to survive
Watch and listen for calm in the chaos
Peace from one breath within
Connected to the Universal Breath
In this moment.

Bodies of Love

Hear your body sing
With the energy of Joy
Music to the ears
For those who walk on
In companionship with fear
That now waves good-bye
As bodies breathe in
Content in the departure
On the path called Life
Bodies tell the Truth
Honoring all that is You
For, with and as Love

Fearful of Your Light

How you hurt when excluded, rejected, shamed
Spoken to with critical words
From those afraid of difference.
You struggle in silence
While yearning to belong.
Reminded more and more
Of being less and less.
Fear is present for them and for you
They fear that your light will shine on their humanness
Exposing the shame of what they attempt to hide.
You fear that your light will burn all in its path
Leaving you with scorched hearts and souls of others
Whose pain you recognize as your own.
Let light be their guide
Let light be your guide
As you walk this journey of healing together
Share the Light of Love
Within and between and around all that is.